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This is the vision that God has placed on my heart.  I believe that with your prayers and support I can achieve this dream.
Philippians 4
13I can do all things through Christ[1] who strengthens me.

While going through trials and tribulations, I wanted to try to help those who were being ignored by other agencies.  When researching programs to try to find sources of support, I noticed that there weren't many organizations that were there to help the working man-the "new poor".  These are those people who work hard, fall on hard times but are not "poor" enough to receive help. They have been laid off and have found a job but have no reserves and need help sustaining them until they can get back on their feet.   Sometimes just $200 towards their rent would keep them from being evicted.  A few dollars for gas to get them to work would get them through to pay day.  Small amounts of money would help them out tremendously.
My prayer to God was to allow me to make enough money to set up a "community" to give a helping hand to the couple who work hard and are down on their luck. To give them a reprieve for a few months in order to get their lives back on track.
I want to buy an apartment complex and fix it up.  I would then allow any couple with children to stay there for 2-6 months, rent free, so that they could get on their feet.  I would require them to put up 50% of their income in savings to take with them when they move out-to purchase or lease a home or an apartment of their own.
I would set aside some funds to give vouchers for food and gas to get to and from work.
I want to join in with companies that offer job training and placement for those without jobs.  I was once told that you can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day but if you teach him to fish, he can eat for a lifetime.  I strongly believe in being self-supporting.  However, I realize that there are times when you just need help.
I want to provide a resource center that would put people in contact with organizations that would be of assistance to them.
I realize that there are places that exist that are similar to what I want to do but there aren't nearly enough of them.  There is so much red tape involved.  There are times when you may call all day and never get in.  There are long waiting lists.  There are so many restrictions that limit people who can be helped.  When someone needs help, they need it now, not next week or next month.
I know this is a big dream and some would say it is impossible for me to reach my dreams.  But, with God on my side, maybe, just maybe, I can reach at least one family and help them.
So continue to pray that I am able to reach my goal.

If anyone knows how to point me in the right direction towards reaching my goal, please contact me.  I need to find out how to become a non-profit organization.  How to write grant proposals to obtain funding for housing and job training. 
If you have any expertise in these areas or those that I failed to mention, I would sincerely appreciate your input.

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